Follow your dream leads others to theirs

Self leadership to reinvent yourself for the 100-year life and the better world.

Self Leadership for Life

Develop Self-Leadership skills to make your long life better, then apply to the organizational leadership for the better world.

Earth Dream

Reality, Data, and Actions for the future of the Earth.

Japan Policy Dream

Election Pledges of “Tomorrow Party” of Japan.

Self Leadership for Life: BTARR Theory

Our Service

Japan Entry for Global Tech StartUp

Rich Country Manager and Global Top Management experiences support International Venture Management as Country Manager Japan (temporary or permanent based)

Achieved 300M USD Valuation Internet Venture Growth as WW Top Mgt

Achieved 1M UU 11 months after online (2-5times faster than Facebook, Evernote, LinkedIn and most other JP entry internet ventures)

Excellent Mgt skills to attract global employees; 1min standing ovation fm 400+ 45+ nationalities.

5 Key Strategies to win in and from Japan

Understand and deliver Success and Failure Factors against Unique Japan Culture and Business/Market Environment thru past entries of various international tech-venture

Our Service

Japan Policy Dream

Campaign Pledges of “Tomorrow Party” of Japan against risk of further 30 years loss of Japan.

Give Hope to the People.

Get decisions and strategies back to younger generations.

Earth Dream

Truth of Earth Environment and what we should do for the better world

MIT En-Roads, World Climate Change Simulator, prediction of Japan (Nagoya, Yokohama, Tokyo) Sinking by 2100, and what strategy we need for.

“In a rare scenario, his intelligence is matched by his ambition, potential to succeed and general good will. Very few people can work through life’s stresses with such a big smile and helpful hand. He’ll do well in this life”


“If you are looking for a manager with strong leadership, who knows how to inspire and reach goals, especially in a multinational environment, he is your man!”


“I had the privilege to work with him. He is passionate leader with strategic vision and yet with the eye for the detail and committed to excellence. I have come to know him as a fountain of ideas, which together with his big number of contacts he translated to great new business opportunities and product improvements. Always adding value to company.”


Let’s work together on our
next project

Control On Your Destiny.