
My Story – Self Leadership for Life. Live desperately and extraordinary. Develop high self-NPV over multi-stage life.

At age 14, I was told to have achieved highest IQ in the state test 3 years ago, after when junior high-school teacher confirmed my progress in study with joy. In childhood I was examined by famous hospital for my brain waves every year and took medicine. Experiences in childhood caused me to realize difference in myself under Japan homogeneous society which does not accept difference.

At age 17, decided to study by myself, ignoring educational policy of high-school which had no concern if their students to pass university exams directly during high school period, however I needed to pass due to family reasons. At junior high school, my parents did not approve me to take any risk to try to enter to the top high school in the state, and I had to follow the order to enter much much lower high school instead. However, I already made a decision to choose university by myself. I passed all university entry exams, one of which was Hokkaido University, the former Imperial college of Japan. Decided to move into Hokkaido, 800km away from Tokyo, to live apart from a father, executive of railroad company, who abused me when he stayed at grandparents’ house in the weekend where I was raised. In high-school life, won the 2nd best in mock exam in the country and also avoided life-threaten accident hit by a car when I rode bicycle.

At age 19, I shared my dream with a beautiful classmate at English speaking class, taught by native teacher from North Dakota who was the first American I met in my life. I dreamed to study at the Princeton University in the future since a professor, who would receive Nobel Prize of Physics years later, did most advanced research for theoretical particle physics. She, speaking English very fluently like native speaker, ridiculed my words. Despite not theoretical physics but MBA, I entered to MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) instead, the No. 1 university 10 years in a row at QS world university ranking, several years after. I bought a book, “Walden” by Henry David Thoreau, recommended by the animation film director Hayao Miyazaki. Visiting the Walden pond and his old house in Concord, Massachusetts, also fulfilled later in my life. I believe words from big mouth could strengthen responsibility in my belief, thought model, and execution. Until today I encountered so many Japanese, who never take risks to achieve extraordinary results in their life or careers to the highest level in the world, do not believe my words. However, at MIT, none ridiculed my words, because we all believe “If we want to go forward, take a risk, and develop ourselves, we can do and change anything.” It’s not a straight road that I drew when I was a kid, but the book “Anne of Green Gables” taught me that life is fun because I can’t see the other side of the corner.

At age 22, decided to become the first Japanese diplomat in the history of Japan who majored theoretical nuclear physics, because I heard friend’s father was scolded by Malaysian Prime Minister, Mahathir bin Mohamad, that Japanese diplomats just organized meetings and did not have special knowledge in the area like nuclear, defense, agriculture et al in diplomatic negotiations. While writing master thesis for theoretical nuclear physics, made a decision to self-study Japanese constitution law, International laws, economics, diplomatic history etc for special diplomacy exams, and, at age 23, passed to the final interview surrounded by 20+ diplomats, but failed because I was not graduated from University of Tokyo and my father or grandfather were not diplomats. With warm words from the professor (current honorable professor of Hokkaido Univ., and I still keep touching w/ him and other professors, organizing monthly zoom meetings), I had opportunity to travel to the overseas first time in my life. I travelled from KeyWest (fan of “old man and the sea” by Ernest Hemingway) and Florida, to Washington DC, Philadelphia, New York, and finally Boston. I developed new dream to study at MIT or Harvard in the future (fulfilled both later in my life). I volunteered for mentally handicapped children until my graduation, and learned the most important things in life from children there, especially lovely Tatsuki and Ayaka.

At age 24, I became private secretary for the former national politician, who promised me to introduce famous politicians a year later, however, I was suddenly laid off in one morning because he was famous for losing temper among LDP Japan and I was in trouble for internal political faction he intended. Then no job (total 9 months). In mid to late 90s in Japan, there was no mid-career job opportunity for new graduation who failed to join the company directly after college. Japan faced its worst economic stagnation which was the starting point of “25-30 years loss of Japan economy until today.” As the 2nd generation of baby-boomers, graduating from college especially between 1995-2000, my generation failed to overcome “most frozen generation in ice age for job hunting,” which still caused big problems over 2 millions in the generation had no permanent job (part time only or no job) even 20 years after. Japanese job market system still today offers new grads in the one-time job-hunting schedule. Therefore, no opportunity for me to work at famous established Japanese companies like Sony, Toyota, NEC, Panasonic etc like my classmates easily joined from their laboratories at graduate school. Parents of my girl-friend at that time got so angry their precious daughter played with the boy with no job nor future. 9 months after, I finally found out that only 2 out of 400 subsidiaries of NEC just tried to recruit mid-career employees. I passed job entry at one subsidiary as telecom and mobile software engineer at age 25, believing mobile would be global business like I had aimed to be active in global world in theoretical nuclear physics for IAEA or being directly diplomat to work for United Nations in the future (somehow fulfilled this dream by working w/ UNHCR later in my life).

At age 26. I realized my strength in software planning and design, not programming which was hot for engineering colleagues who competed how complicated and difficult programming they made. On the other hand, I tried to make simplest ways to reduce bugs in front flows of software designs, and easy to understand to anyone even I moved to other tasks and departments. CTO of the subsidiary and division manager of NEC HQ liked my way of work and directly ordered me in front of his 200 HQ engineering peers. I came up dream to become technology strategist for NEC’s future mobile software business to make the best use of my talents. However, I was told “please understand one of 400 subsidiaries at NEC group think and develop strategy? HQ’s smartest people made. No strategist needed in subsidiaries.”

At age 27, I decided to develop a path, where none taken, to move to NEC HQ from subsidiary to seek to become technology strategist in mobile business and also to obtain MBA degree in the top school such as MIT, Harvard, Stanford, or Wharton. However, “Transfer from HQ to subsidiary” is easy as called “Ama-kudari (down from the heaven. down to subsidiary from the parent company)” in Japanese, but opposite way was impossible. Actually never happened in NEC’s 100 years history. I tried to find the path more than a year. One day I seized very tiny chance to meet future executive officer at NEC HQ, who managed 1,000 employees under his terrain. All subsidiary managers and executives asked questions about what NEC will do this and next year. They all interested in getting useful information from key executive at the parent company. However, I was not interested in trying to collect information, since I believed information today would be old tomorrow and I am not interested in wasting my time just to gather today’s information. Thusly I asked more strategic and fundamental questions about NEC and mobile business future. He did not have enough time to answer my questions, however he accepted to exchange business cards and answered my 10 questions one week later via email. Then I realized it must be him, who spent his precious time for answering me in the subsidiary, instead ordering to his 1000 HQ’s employees. I explained my passion, desire, and why NEC HQ needs the person like me for the future of global competition. After obtained his recommendation, secretly interviewed by NEC’s Senior Executive Vice President, Executive Officer, NEC’s president strategy division director, NEC’s best strategists living in Silicon Valley, then got a ticket. There was no rule written for the transfer from subsidiary to HQ, so I was told “you must leave the subsidiary, and you re-join NEC HQ by chance instead of working at competitor like Sony, Nokia, or Cisco”. After 3 years service at subsidiary, I got 300 dollars retirement bonus from subsidiary.

This was my first winnings in rebuilding my career, even changed my whole life until today. I obtained confidence in myself, by realizing “Impossible into Possible” in the 100 years history of famous established company in Japan.

At age 28, I won President Award in front of 200 general managers and executives at NEC, just 3 months after joining CEO strategy office. Located in CEO floors was totally different world from my engineer job at one of 400 subsidiaries of NEC group. We used special elevator only for CEO and top executives, and worked on marble floors welcomed by Greek statue . All other strategist were older and only worked for CEO and executives for 10-25 years. I did not hold MBA (at that time). I had no people network at HQ and no trust from CEO and Executives. Thusly I decided to take “self-differentiation strategy” for self branding and self leadership. I participated in any business units key meetings, and went to meet any executives and general managers down from CEO floors, even though other strategy managers just called them to come to the floor. I could not call 50+ years old veteran executive just in order to gather information from them for making my powerpoint slides for CEOs. I also explained the reality in plants and among engineers even at executive meetings, since those negative information did not transparent to the executive levels. After my continuous opinions to create open culture, other older strategy managers also start to share their opinion and information even among executive meetings. I was also scolded more than 1 hour in front of 15 managers in the plant (1.5 hours train from Tokyo HQ building) by one executive, since COO made wrong order by breaking pre-agreement with the executive but he could not complain to COO directly. I understood him, since if he did not scold to me, as representative of COO in mobile business, he would lose face to his general managers. Those things never happened to be taken by other smart and clean strategists. They just made planning in stead of CEO’s name, but took no execution nor responsibility. I was different. This different behavioral strategy obtained trust from CEO, CXOs, 7 executives, and 25+ division managers.

When I joined, NEC CEO strategy office led organizational restructuring from 100 years hard-ware oriented corporate structure into software-and-solution-focused corporate structure, aiming the era of Internet and Software-as-a-Service. This caused mobile business was managed by 7 business units such as “core network hardware” unit, “mobile radio access network hardware” unit, “solution architecture” unit, “international solution sales” unit etc. Each of 7 unit also managed non-mobile related business, and some of the units sales mainly came from fixed network business. 7 executive officers, each of them managed 700-4000 employees, covered mobile business too. This caused huge nonalignment in mobile business strategy and daily operations. I decide to deeply involve in software architecture units which lies in the center between hardware and solution-sales units. After obtaining highest trust from CEOs and 7 executive officers, I developed and presented 7 strategies to 30 key executives and general managers at offsite conference on Saturday, one of which resulted in 2 billion dollars sales in mobile network business. NEC Top Management decided me to became the first Presidential Aide of NEC’S 10 billion dollars mobile business.

I applied NEC’s internal selection to get full company sponsorship for MBA study in US or Europe. General manager of CEO office did not expect me to pass, since only 1 or 2 employees were selected among 700-1000+ same ages out of 40,000 HQ employees, 7-15 years working experiences at HQ needed, and usually 2nd or 3rd year application got approval if the candidates were really smart. Only 7 months after joining NEC HQ, I obtained MBA sponsorship by NEC. The year was huge success for NEC and myself.

At age 29, I entered to MIT Sloan School of Management, focusing strategy, technology management, leadership, negotiation, and entrepreneurship. Met precious friends/classmates. I was introduced as representative example of having most “Openness” character by my classmates to the new first year MBA students. You can buy my Japanese book “Akogareru Hito ni narou – lessons from world famous leaders (currently Japanese version only)” about what I absorbed through my MIT MBA time.

At age 31, as Visiting Fellow at MIT Sloan, I studied leadership at MIT, Harvard Business School, and Harvard Kennedy School of Government. The research results was published as leadership book in Japan, as mentioned above. I got A-plus at Kennedy School Leadership courses, and Harvard professors always asked me about Japan/Asian related issues and questions, not to many Japanese bureaucrats classmates who were sponsored by people tax but seldom participate and express opinions in the classroom. With support from a friend who later contributed to John Kelly and Barak Obama presidential campaigns after Kennedy School, we held year-end party inviting many professors and classmates at Harvard building.

I was only Master student to be invited to Roger Fisher House at Harvard, who developed Win-Win Negotiation model and Harvard program on Negotiation. There was his portrait on the wall but the person looked 60 years old, so it took several minutes to recognize the person in front of me and I talking to was the real Roger Fisher, 80+ years old then. He suddenly referred the name of the president of the United States he received the call yesterday, kindly letting me know whom he was with warm smile. All other participants from Harvard professors and United Nations in New York also laughed.

I also met Michael Dell at MIT, and he gave me phrase “follow your dream lead others to theirs.” So I asked Michael if it’s ok for me to use his phrase as my future company name “followdream”, and he excitedly supported. I met Jeff Immelt, CEO of GE, twice at MIT and Harvard, and he shook hands firmly with me, giving his big smile when I told him I remembered his phrases a year ago like MIT spirit “we can do anything.” I have tons of great memory at MIT and Harvard. Really appreciative to precious classmates, professors, staffs, all great leaders I met. I am very proud of being part of MIT and have responsibility as MIT alumnus.

Moved back to Japan to live in Tokyo Denen-Chofu, Japan’s most luxury residential area like Beverly Hills.

At age 33, headhunted by Microsoft, leading Japan online strategy. Also as Japan head of project saving “ninemillion” refugee children, requested directly to Bill Gates and founder of NIKE by High Commissioner of UNHCR (current Secretary General of United Nations), I launched seven services in one month, managing 17+ Microsoft Managers, obtaining the largest budget after US HQ despite budget allocation period closed. To accelerate the project, I directly approached to the founder Bill Gates and CEO Steve Ballmer. SteveB praised me by saying “You are Outstanding! Go for it.” and BillG decided to donate 12 million dollars to UNHCR through his Bill and Melinda foundation. It never realized in 2 years UNHCR requested the donation but realized 1 week after my approach to BillG. During the period, many mid-career professionals started to ask career coaching and consulting for my influential skills and business results. Business textbook publisher approached me for writing leadership book, using my experiences to meet and research 300+ global business and political leaders during my time at MIT and Harvard. Microsoft Human Resource team did not accept dual work nor weekend sub-work, so I decided to leave the company to contribute to the people who needed me, although, at my job interview with executive officer of Microsoft, I already declared to have ambition to found venture business within three years and she approved. Thusly, 1.5+ years earlier than initial plan, I decided to follow my inner voice, however my direct boss, the executive officer, tried to change my mind 7 times but supported my departure in the end.

At age 34, I founded the leadership consulting company, followdream, in Japan. Lectured for International and Japanese established corporations such as P&G and Nippon Steel, and also taught self leadership courses at Temple University. Published first Self-Leadership book, wrote on the several online and offline media, and was interviewed 9 times (2 months) on the radio by famous TV anchorwoman. Honestly speaking, I had to admit that faced lots of Japan’s unique seniority culture. Potential business partners only showed concern about “how famous the company you are working now (not venture)”, “how many employees you have”, “how many sales you have and what famous company you partner with.” Very ridiculous to be requested the name of famous business partner, even before the first sales. Typical Japanese follows seniority culture, very reactive and fearful against challenges or risks, and only follow if some famous people or company begin to work with (you can see the same low results about Japan Competitiveness from IMD Country Ranking 2021 (pdf) ). This is why none would take initiative nor welcome challenges/innovation in Japan. I gradually got good clients from Japan’s top companies and international corporations, business professionals, and local governments for my self-leadership consulting.

At age 36, sold leadership and career development related EdTech subsidiary, founded with Spanish CTO and Canadian CMO, to International Internet venture. Accepted the first Country Manager Japan position at Global Tech StartUps, its HQ located in Barcelona. I achieved online Ad sales even before going online. Highest UU/PV in the first month of the company’s history of 10 languages. 1 million monthly unique users for Japan, which was 2 times faster than facebook, 3 times faster than evernote, 7 times faster than LinkedIn. I was promoted to become the member of the Top Management, fastest promotion of the 13 years company history and only Japanese (no HQ worker) became top executive. Obtained 1 minute standing ovation by 400+ employees at the company’s global meeting. More than 50 business development and sales deals, one third of worldwide partnership, I developed in and from Japan. Managed 40+ engineers, and led 150+ changes in website, one of which resulted 4% conversion up few days after updates, and the founder got so excited for the results, and then decided to install my Japan web-changes into all 10 languages with 100 million users websites. Moved to Tokyo skyscraper 41st floor with innovative design.

In the age 40s, served as several Country Manager Japan at global tech ventures in the area of EdTech, FinTech, EventTech, SportsTech etc. Already earned enough income more than executives’ at established Japanese corporations. However I realized that I had not found out what I was really looking for in the late stage of my life after my next life shift. Serving as Country Manager focusing competition and sales did not turn out in the center of my heart sometime anymore. Salary package, evaluation, and autonomy are very important to show their expectation on me, however, contribution to society and future generation, corporate culture, responsibility, noblesse obligee, chemistry, and founders’ morale, are more important if I serve as the more Country Manager positions.

At age 46, bought beautiful forest villa, surrounded by what I love such as David Austin English rose, William Morris, mid-century design furniture, wild animals and birds, fruits, forest, foods, snow, silence, sounds of violin, running, etc. Enjoy F.I.R.E (Financially Independent, Retirement Early) life. Already life from now on seems like a bonus to me. I already fulfill my dream come true, and no need to show who I am nor what I did or will do to the strangers. Usually at job hunting, we have to prove our value, however, I do not need to live like the way anymore.

For the near few years, I might keep going to examine country manager positions, every 3-4 weeks in average now approached by global headhunters and global venture business founders (accumulated 200-300+ global ventures approached until today), and sometimes did not hesitate to declined an offer like with total 3 million USD package from Chinese EdTech venture business a few years ago. Next possible career path, in case of global venture business world, will be taken in the case that Country Manager (Internet, EdTech, CleanTech), VP APAC or CEO/CXO, I would like also to play a role as mentor for young founders to develop Unicorn venture together. Then use my return through IPO for the future environment and future generation, for example supporting if my friend’s daughter wants to enter to MIT.

Now decide not to sell my life for money. Not sell my credo to any untrusted people. Desire to be more involved in environment activities and social volunteer activities, back to my fundamentals as I learned a lot through my volunteer experiences for mentally handicapped children at age 23. Also desire to contribute for the next generation leaders and founders globally through followdream “self leadership for life” consulting and coaching or even joining as CEO or co-founder. With sprit of noblesse obligee, keep going to make the better world for the future generation and the earth, like MIT’s Better World vision.

To conclude, let me introduce my most favorite phrase I encountered at the age 17. “Two roads diverged in a wood, I always took the one less traveled by; That has made all the difference.” I have lived my life like the phrase, developed my own untaken path only for myself, and achieved great success and happiness throughout my life and career. I am confident that I have been and will control on my destiny through my self-leadership for life skills. I have nothing to regret in my life.

If you want to follow your dream lead others to theirs, and if you want to learn how to lead your true life, please contact me. I am happy to consult or coach your development in your “self leadership for life” skills.

— followdream, 2007-2022.

Achievements and Contribution (like CV)

  • 300M USD Valuation Tech Venture Growth as World Wide Top Management
  • Several Country Manager experiences (B2C Tech, EdTech, FinTech, eCommerce, Mobile, Internet/Online, Software/SaaS, MaaS (Mobility), Fare-Payment-as-a-Service focus)
  • Develop Self Leadership model. Teach, Consult, and Lead people to lead their fulfilling life.
  • Japan Head of Project “nine million”, saving 9 million refugee children, requested to founders of Nike and Microsoft by High Commissioner of UNHCR (Current Secretary General of United Nations). Launched 7 products and services in 1 month, managing 17 Microsoft Managers. Obtained direct phrases by Steven Ballmer saying “You’re Outstanding! Go for it!.” Then a week later, Bill Gates decided to donate 12 million dollars from Bill and Melinda foundation, despite 2 years request by UNHCR. Received “thank you letter” from High Commissioners.
  • Develop 7 key mobile strategy, presenting to COO/SVPs/7Officers/25+division-managers, as presidential aide of mobile business. One of which resulted in 2 billion dollars sales.
  • Only President Award winner at NEC Corporation for NEC’s 100 years anniversary competition, only 3 months after joining the company as strategist for CEO/Executives.
  • Sponsored MBA scholarship by established Japanese company, 6 months after joining NEC. (usually 7-10+ years working experiences needed after enrollment)
  • First employee transferred from one of 400 subsidiaries to CEO strategy office at NEC’s 100 years corporate history.
  • Fastest promotion to join global management team, not working in HQ.
  • MBA (MS in Management with published thesis) at MIT Sloan School of Management, Boston, MA (4.85/5.00 GPA), USA. Visiting Fellow at MIT. Studied leadership at Harvard Business School and Harvard Kennedy School of Government (with A+ honor for leadership courses)
  • MS and BS in Theoretical Nuclear Physics at Hokkaido University, the former Imperial College of Japan (4.95/5.00 GPA for Master, 4.75/5.00 GPA for Bachelor).
  • Won university mathematics competitions 3 times
  • 27th in the World and 2nd in North America at L’Oreal World Marketing Competition 2004 (out of 44,000 MBA students)
  • Working experiences in Japan, China, USA, UK, Spain, Catalunya, and Asia.
  • Contributor for the Earth and People over 20+ years
  • Silver Medalist in COP5 Modeled United Nations
  • Member of Climate Citizenship Lobby
  • Supporter of MIT En-Roads, World Climate Change Simulator.
  • Educational Counselor, Representative of Educational Council at MIT
  • Class Representative at MIT Sloan Japan
  • Vice President of Asian Business Club at MIT (during Sloan)
  • Volunteer experiences for mentally handicapped children
  • Donated salary and revenue for education, environment, disaster et al.
  • Described as “Honest”, “Open”, “Forward Looking”, “Self Leader”, “Nice smile”, “Consistent in words, actions, and faces” by international people and MIT alumni et al.
  • Published 3 leadership books in Japan and China.
  • 9 time appearance in Japan radio program with Ms. Watanabe.
  • 1 minute standing ovation by 400 audiences with 45+ nationalities
  • Influenced 300+ people to study MBAs, even executives at the venture business and Microsoft. They want to follow their dreams by meeting me.
  • More to Come

Many precious things I like, respect, and important in my Self-Leadership life (a.k.a FIRE or 3rd Life Shifted)

(The more to come. Realize how beautiful this world would be, and how precious surrounds myself. Bucket list enriches my goal for, and this list gives me confidence and hope in my whole life. Recommend you to try too.)

À LA RECHERCHE DU TEMPS PERDU (Book. “In Search of Lost Time.” The book touched to my heart at college book store 30 years ago but not afforded to buy all as a poor student, and now reading vol. 3, “The Guermantes Way,” to fulfill one of the most important bucket list.)

AYASE, Haruka, Ms. (actress. same birthday and zodiac. 30+ years fan. Respect her way to face acting.)

BACH, J.S. BWV1001-1006 6 Sonatas and Partitas (Violin)

BALLY (fashion brand. One of the longest business shoes I use since 25+ years old)

BANANA REPUBLIC (fashion brand. Love since live in Boston)

BARCELONA, Spain (city to live and work)


BIEI, Hokkaido, JAPAN (beautiful village)

BLGARI BLEU (favorite perfume)

BRAHMS Symphony No.4

BROOKS BROTHERS (fashion brand. One of the longest shirts I use since 25+ years old)

BOSTON, USA (city to live and study MBA at MIT and Harvard)

Bucket list fulfill, especially such as “present Michelin 3 star French restaurant for my professors like being my father and mother for 30 years”, “present Niseko luxury but peaceful hotel stay for my eternal friend, “… I would like to present precious memory at luxury hotel stay or 3 stars restaurant for my eternal friends, delivering my thankfulness.

CACAO SAMPAKA (Catalan Chocolate)

Carpe Diem (Seize the Day. Favorite words changed my way of living during high-school age.)

CESKY KRUMLOV, Czech Republic (city to visit. one of the most beautiful town ever visit)

CHOPIN, Fantaisie-Impromptu In C Sharp Minor Op.66 (Piano) 

CHOPIN, Grande Polonaise “Héroïque” As-Dur Op.53 CT155 (Piano)

CHRISTIE, Agatha (mystery novelist. “Murder of Roger Ackroyd,” “Murder on the Orient Express,” “And then there ware None,” )

CRUISE, Tom, Mr. (actor. “Top Gun”, the first movie watched w/ a girl in junior high school. Respect his politeness to anyone)

CUORE (Old Italian Book. Best one I encountered during college age.)

Dae Jang Geum (Korean TV Drama. Much like Ms. Lee Young-ae’s play)

DENEN-CHOFU, Tokyo (city to live the longest years in my life)

Desire (song by Akina Nakamori. Her charisma in singing this song overwhelmed me when I was 13 years old. My spring time spreading the world came those days)

DICAPRIO, Leonard, Mr. (actor, environment activist)

DRAGON QUEST 2 (game title. Remember to play in junior high school, surprising me a lot. Moved the beautiful white snow mountain after cave to Rhone.)

DRAGON QUEST 3 (game title. Most moved title when I entered back to the world of Dragon Quest 1, after killing the final boss I thought.)

Eikando Temple (Kyoto. Most beautiful garden in the autumn leaves. Really like the strolling garden, which has small pond in the centre)

EL GRECO (Painter)

ENDE Michael, Mr. (novelist. “Momo”, “Never Ending Story” watched at elementary school classes.

EVANGELION (anime, movie. Remembered to watch the first anime version in college age at friend’s house. Remember I liked Asuka then.)

FERAGAMO, Salvatore (fashion brand. Really love the Tramezza line. Longest business shoes and ties I use since my 25 year old)

Giro d’Italia (cycling competition. Visited twice to watch the final days in Milan Duomo 2 years in a row. In 2004 was the last day for legendary Marco Pantani competed in his individual time trial in his life. Also met Mario Cipollini, 42 individual stage wins was Giro’s most winning history, and he accepted me to touch his chest and legs, with strongly shaking hands.)

GONE WITH THE WIND (novel, movie)

GRINDELWALD, Switzerland (city for tourism)



HEPBURN, Katharine, Ms. (Actress. Like her way of living, and her movie, “On Golden Pond.”

HEPBURN, Audrey, Ms. (actress. Visited her last home in Switzerland.)

Hippopotamus (favorite animal)

HIRAHARA, Ayaka “Jupiter” (shed tears when to listen the song)

Hugo Boss (one of the most favorite brand to wear from shirts, jeans, to shoes)

HONDA, Minako, Ms. (Japanese singer. Like “One Way Generation” featured in “Papa wa News Anchor” Japanese drama. Her “Amazing Grace” and “Tsubasa” high and long tone voice still make me cry, very looked like Hrk. Visiting her memorial museum stored on my bucket list)

ICE WINE (Esp. Niagara On the Lake. My most favorite wine since 2002 when I visited Niagara on the Lake area from Boston. My good friend, CEO of TeaForte, presented the wine when she visited Tokyo. Great friendship to remember friends’ favorites several years after)

IL POSTINO (Italian movie)

IMAI, Kiyotaka, Mr. (musical actor featuring Phantom, The Beast)

INDURAIN, Miguel, Mr. (5 times tour de France and 2 times Giro d’Italia winner. Very respectful for his calm attitude by showing results)

Isabella Gardner Museum (Boston. Most visited museum in my life since 23 years old)

ITSUKI, Hiroyuki, Mr. (novelist. The Book “Lesson”)

JOHN LOBB (Fashion Brand. “Phillip 2”, my most favorite business shoes in my life)

JUBILEE CELEBRATION, David Austin English Rose (my most favorite rose)

KISSIN, Evgeny, Mr. (pianist. Still remember his play in Wiener Musikverein over 2+ hours encore)

Kotonoha-no-Niwa (The Garden of Words), directed by Makoto SHINKAI. Yukino-sensei.

LE COMTE DE MONTE-CRIST (book. Shocking story telling when to read during college age.)

Le déjeuner des canotiers (Renoir Paintings. Most favorite exhibited at Washington D.C. Phillips Collection)

LE GRAN BLEU (French Movie)

LE HUITIEME JOUR (French Movie. The Eighth Day)

Lemongrass, herb

LEON (Movie. Fan of Natalie Portman since)


LOCUSTA MIGRATORIA (favorite insect I tried to catch when I was 6-13 years old and called as “Dr. Insect” as my nickname)

LOEWE (Fashion brand. Love bag, business suits, and ties. Still remember great service by Barcelona shop CEO, when I ordered custom-business-suits)

MACCHA (Green Tea)

MAEDA, Shinzo, Mr. (photographer. His “Takushin-Kan”, my most favorite photo museum since 20 years old, and visit w/ future wife was in my bucket list when I was a student. His photo is decorated on the wall at my forest villa)

MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, MIT (truly best university in the world)

MATSUSHITA, Nao, Ms. (Actress, Pianist. Like her drama “Alive (start my 2022 w/ her phrase co-living to overcome),” “Dear Sister,” “Twenty Four Eyes.” Missed ribbon cutting along with her at El Greco Exhibition, which I made business partnership w/ Asahi Newspaper and Spanish Embassy, since diplomats know I like El Greco and Spanish Toledo town)


MIYAZAKI, Hayao, Mr. (animation director. My favorite movies are “Nausicaa”, “Totoro,” “Laputa,” “Princess Mononoke,” “Lupin the 3rd Cagliostro castle”)

MIYAMOTO, Teru, Mr. (novelist. “Coastal Train”, whose main lawyer influenced me a lot, and I made dream, which I wanted to study in US and be active in global business world, came true.)

MIYAZAWA, Kenji, Mr. (novelist, poet. Studied at Hokkaido University Japanese literature class.)

MURAKAMI, Haruki, Mr. (novelist. Influenced a lot by his novles since “Norwegian Wood” and “Folklore”)

NAGABUCHI, Tsuyoshi, Mr. (singer. “Captain of the ship,” “Kanpai (cheers)”, “Stay Dream,” “Tombo,” and “Yuji”)

Nausicaa in the Valley of the Wind (Hayao Miyazaki movie and manga, especially full manga version describe the climate change even in 1980s)

noblesse oblige (not popular in Japan, but I take my path with this spirits for the future generation and earth environment.)

NOMURA, Ryoko, Ms.(Japanese musical actress, playing the 1st main role of Phantom of the Opera et al.)


ON GOLDEN POND (Movie. Studied at Hokkaido University English Speaking class)

OZAKI, Yutaka, Mr. (singer. Sung a lot at Karaoke during college age after his sudden death. “Night at 15,” “Shelly,” “To be me,” “Existence.”)


PIERRE DE RONSARD (Rose Hall of Fame)

Mr. PIQUET Nelson (Formula One World Champion 1987, first year broadcasted in Japan)

Pistachio (Favorite flavor for chocolate and cake)

PLAYBALL, and CAPTAIN (Japanese Manga)

PORTMAN, Natalie, Ms. (actress. 30+ years fan since “LEON”. Missed introduced by my eternal friend who spent time w/ her in the apartment at Harvard, which was only regret in my life :))

PRAGUE, Czech Republic (first European city to visit)

RIVER DNACE (Irish musical)

ROMINGER, Tony, Mr. (3 time Vuelta Espana winner and 1 time Giro d’Italia winner. Really like his style of competition and his human personality.)

SALZBURG, Switzerland (city to travel)

SAPPORO (city to live and study Theoretical Nuclear Physics at Hokkaido University, the former imperial college of Japan)


SEIKOU UDOKU (Japanese phrase. Meaning: working in the field in fine weather and reading at home in rainy weather; living in quiet retirement dividing time between work and intellectual pursuits)

Shisendo Temple (Kyoto. Love staying in the rock garden. Feel peace)

Shodo-shima island (Shikoku, Japan)

Sirius (Star)

Sora No Campus (Japanese Manga. Sky Campus)

SUSHI (Especially Horse Mackerel)

SUWANAI, Akiko, Ms. (Violinist. Same age and respect her since winning of International Tchaikovsky Competition. Shed tears when to listen her plays)

TAMURA, Masakazu, Mr. (Japanese actor. Favorite his “Last Serenade,” the best one he mentioned to play. Still touched my heart, by visiting all memorable place when I left like him, which fulfilled one of my bucket list. Also like “News Anchor Daddy, (with Ms. HONDA, Minako song)” “Detective Ninzaburo Furuhata.”

TANIGAWA, Koji, Mr. (Shogi (Japanese chess) player. 17th Eternal Master over 410 years history)

Tenruji Temple (Kyoto. One of the most beautiful Japanese rock garden)

TESHIGAWARA, Saburo, Mr. (dancer. Studied him at Hokkaido University’s Japanese literature class, analyzing his dance and Poems of Mr. MIYAZAWA, Kenji)

TOM FORD perfume “Tobacco Vanille” (recently love this brand’s mens perfume most)

TOTTO-Chan, the Little Girl at the Window (Novel by Ms. KUROYANAGI, Tetsuko, actress and UNICEF Special Ambassador.)

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by. That has made all the difference. (Words from Robert Frost, influencing my life a lot. I feel proud of my history to live like this phrase.)


U2 (singer. 35+ years fan since Joshua Tree. Most favorite songs are “I still haven’t found what I am looking for,” “All I want is you,” “One,” “Beautiful Day,” “Love is Blindness,” “Where the streets have no name,” and “Bad”)

WALDEN (Book. Read at age 20, then realized to live in Boston, MA, 10 years later. Also bought forest villa by realizing walden dream come true.

WEDGWOOD Florentine Turquoise (dream to buy someday when I saw the beautiful Florentine cup in the coffee counter at the cafe “Akane-ya”, where the founder kicked out hippie style John Lennon in his Karuizawa HQ branch store.)

WILLIAM MORRIS (Happy to be surrounded by MORRIS Curtains, Wall Papers, Kitchen in my forest villa)

WILLIAMS, Robin, Mr. (actor. “Dead Poets Society” I watched during high school led my way of living and making decision, saying “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by. That has made all the difference.” Another movie “Goodwill Hunting” recorded at MIT where I studied.)

Wombat (Wild animal)

XEVIOUS (game title by Namco. My nickname in elementary school was “God of XEVIOUS”)

YAMAZAKI, Toyoko, Ms. (Novelist. my ex girlfriend described me like the main players in her works. Like “The Sun that doesn’t Set,” “The Barren Zone”)

We are driven by values




Commitment to Life


Bucket List


“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less travelled by; then that has made all the difference.” – Robert Frost, Boston, MA


Founder and CEO

Serial Country Manager (Internet/ EdTech / CleanTech / Mobile / Apps and software) / Self Leadership / 300M USD Valuation Venture Growth / Contributor for Earth and People / MIT MBA