Earth Dream

What we commit to the Better Earth Tomorrow for Environment and Future Generation.

“Earth Dream” Projects, Information, Articles

Hope for Earth future. If people believe the World tomorrow would be better than today?

(This is beta version. More manifesto, more list covering enough target and policies for future Earth, future generation, and future earth environment, with precise version and data will be added. Coming soon.)

(Environment) Japan’s standard year (2013) for the commitment for COx emission must be modified to choose the year of 1990 (EU) or 2006 (USA) as its base year, since Japanese government and bureaucrats intentionally but secretly use the year of 2013 when all nuclear power plants (30% of all power generated in Japan before the Fukushima earthquake in 2011) stopped and 80% of power generation rely on thermal, meaning easiest way to achieve 50%-100% carbon reduction. Betrayal to the world. Bureaucrats of Ministry of Environment in Japan explained to me “It happened to use the newest data from the year 2013 when they set the target in 2016,” but failed to explain why EU/US chose older and more severe years even their data are newer than Japan.

(Environment) Forest absorption contribution to the carbon reduction and climate change should be counted for the individuals and their households by tax refund (currently only governments and companies can get the benefits for forest/green absorption to count on their carbon emission.

(Environment) Accelerate XXX billion dollars financing and investment for climate finance pledge.

(Environment) Accelerate revision of central and local government CO2 reduction goals, realizing 1.5 degrees and 2 degrees targets.

(Environment) Accelerate coastal repair against potential sinks by increasing its sea-levels. Protect Nagoya, 80% population of its land will go under the sea level by 2100, estimated MIT En-Roads world climate simulator.

(Environment) Accelerate low/free-carbon tax/refund (i.e. carbon cash back) and carbon footprint system not only for companies but also for individuals.

(Environment) Find solution for heavy snow regions against EV-only car trend. Japan should accelerate aggressive CO2 reduction target to cover negative CO2 reduction to accept gasoline based car or Hybrid car in those regions.

(Environment) Find solution to cover volume of electricity such as small/compact nuclear reactor through working w/ BillG.

(Tax), (Environment) Install Carbon Tax and Carbon Cash back, not only for companies but also for individuals, encouraging all people contribute to CO2 reduction and also enjoy benefits if they do more efforts than average.


Let’s work together for Better Earth Tomorrow

“Heal the world. Make the better place for you and for me” – Michael Jackson
