Policy Dream

How we commit to develop “Japan tomorrow” as political party pledges.

“Japan Tomorrow Party” Pledges “Mido-ru (Green x Middle)”.

Tomorrow Party Vision: Get Hope for Japan future. Ask ourselves If people believe tomorrow would be better than today?
Base Mission : Tackle fundamental problem in Japan society controlled by very aged people who caused 25 years loss of Japan, not just show short-sighted proposals to attract for elections. Japan should give political management to the younger generation who will live, make money, and pay tax in the uncertain aging society of Japan.
3 main Es Strategy for revival Japan (3Es = Economic Innovation, Election Reform, and Environment) to give leadership for younger generations.

(This is beta version. More pledges, more list covering enough target and policies for future Japan, future generation, and future earth environment, with precise version and data will be added. Coming soon.)

(Economic Innovation) Never accept the next 30 years also loss and defeat for Japan economy. Never accept the next 30 years main working generation fear for their income and future pension return. Old generation of Japan must understand Japan already lots in the last 30 years by your poor leadership and management.

(Economic Innovation) Focus on CleanTech and venture innovation for global aiming, excluding Japanese local village mentality. Raise XXX targeted number of foundation by 2025, creating XXX targeted employment. Select 100+ some modeled towns or/and states to raise 20+% of their new employments from venture business by 2030. More support the venture business at least one of their founders are internationals.

(Economic Innovation), and (Tax) Reduce Income Tax (Japan is the 3rd highest income related tax including social security and pension tax, after Sweden and Denmark where social welfare and wellbeing are completely managed. Increase Income Tax decrease opportunity for current working generation to spend for daily life and for their children.

(Economic Innovation) Accelerate digitalization of government, hiring global famed IT/tech leader for the top of the ministry from outside, like Joi.

(Economic Innovation) Real Innovative town, business, people developed from MIT/Global model, not making “local village/society focused innovation” popular in Japan.

(Economic Innovation) Divide Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry into 2 ministries. (1) Ministry of Economy and Trade, (2) Ministry of Industry, Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

(Election Reform) National politicians can become candidate only twice from the same elective district.

(Election Reform) 65+ years old, in the future 70 years old, based on the modeled start age of pension fund, can become candidate only once or twice in any election, including becoming ministers, local governors.

(Election Reform) Give voting rights to 15+ years old, who after compulsory eduction. No voting rights for the aged people who could not judge well, for example returning their driver licenses, which shows they admit themselves have not qualitative judgement skills well. Give decision to the younger current generation who owes future impact and results from politics.

(Election Reform) Change the age from 25 years old to 20 years old for national House of Representative election, and from 30 years old to 25 years for House of Councilor election. Also from 25 years old to 18 years old for local election.

(Election Reform) No Deposit money for Election, which prevent younger generation from easily going to candidacy.

(Election Reform) Accelerate digital tools for elections.

(Election Reform) All national politicians must be evaluated with political KPIs and results. In Japan, “politician” means “winner of the election”, not “person who has ability to lead Japanese politics.” 35+% of Japan diet members were born in family whose parents or grand parents were politicians and 60% of 2022 cabinet members from political dynasty.

(Election Reform) Not allow spouse or family members within 3rd degree of kinship to become candidate from the same election district or/and even from the same prefecture/states even for national election.

(Election Reform) Prime Minister should be elected by people directly like mayor of Japan local states and towns.

(Election Reform) 40+% of national politicians must be elected from women and LGBTs. 30+% of ministers of central governments must be chosen from women and LGBTs These rules should be re-calculated in case women and LGBTs cover 70+%.

(Environment) Japan’s standard year (2013) for the commitment for COx emission must be modified to choose the year of 1990 (EU) or 2006 (USA) as its base year, since Japanese government and bureaucrats intentionally but secretly use the year of 2013 when all nuclear power plants (30% of all power generated in Japan before the Fukushima earthquake in 2011) stopped and 80% of power generation rely on thermal, meaning easiest way to achieve 50%-100% carbon reduction. Betrayal to the world. Bureaucrats of Ministry of Environment in Japan explained to me “It happened to use the newest data from the year 2013 when they set the target in 2016,” but failed to explain why EU/US chose older and more severe years even their data are newer than Japan.

(Environment) Forest absorption contribution to the carbon reduction and climate change should be counted for the individuals and their households by tax refund (currently only governments and companies can get the benefits for forest/green absorption to count on their carbon emission.

(Environment) Accelerate XXX billion dollars financing and investment for climate finance pledge.

(Environment) Accelerate revision of central and local government CO2 reduction goals, realizing 1.5 degrees and 2 degrees targets.

(Environment) Find solution for heavy snow regions against EV-only car trend. Japan should accelerate aggressive CO2 reduction target to cover negative CO2 reduction to accept gasoline based car or Hybrid car in those regions.

(Environment) Accelerate coastal repair against potential sinks by increasing its sea-levels. Protect Nagoya, 80% population of its land will go under the sea level by 2100, estimated MIT En-Roads world climate simulator.

(Environment) Accelerate low/free-carbon tax/refund (i.e. carbon cash back) and carbon footprint system not only for companies but also for individuals.

(Environment) Find solution to cover volume of electricity such as small/compact nuclear reactor through working w/ Bill Gates, MIT, etc.

(Future Generation) Support tuition, housing fees, and study in academic and people skills including noblesse oblige by national government if Japanese secondary school students, whose family have limited income and savings/assets, pass to enter to MIT (1st in 10 years in a row), Oxford (2nd), Stanford (3rd), Cambridge (4th), Harvard (5th), and other QS world Top 10 universities. (note: Most authoritative and referred university ranking: Tokyo 23rd, Kyoto 33rd, Hokkaido 145th, Keio 201st)

(Future Generation) Teach morality, noblesse oblige, environment, tax, pension, economy, entrepreneurship (= encourage challenge and mistakes).

(Future Generation) Junior High and High School teachers must have (or strongly recommended) Master degree or equivalent skills/degrees to teach. Make teacher job more attractive.

(Future Generation) University reform. Should be managed not by all professors, but by welcoming professional managers. More budget and cost conscious like MIT and Harvard professors and research laboratories. As an example, Alumni never feel that they are relied on by Hokkaido university, one of the former Imperial college of Japan and 8th ranked among Japanese universities in world QS university ranking (145th in the world). This terribly cause very few participants in home-coming day, little ratio of donation from individuals and corporations, and less than 10% budget than MIT and Harvard. I always feel I am so much relied on by MIT, which gives alumni lots of opportunity for participation and contribution by the spirit of noblesse oblige. Hokkaido University look down on alumni support and contribution. We should reform university culture now if younger generation want to study at Japanese university, not US and global universities. Japanese MIT alumni who studied at Tokyo University as undergrads want to send their kids to international high-school and universities. The trend will impact on decreasing future number of Japanese noble prize winners whose today’s research will be awarded 10-40 years later.

(Health), (Pension), (Tax) Divide Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, into 2 ministries, (1) Ministry of Labour, (2) Ministry of Welfare including sickness and pension. The former should also focus on creating culture of accepting “mistakes” in their career and push innovation and entrepreneurs. The later must be operated/managed by most talented fund-managers, getting rid of anxiety and distrust of future pension, which cause more saving rather than consumption, which cause little growth in economy, which makes Japan as loser in the last 30 years and will be loser in the next another 30 years.

(Hokkaido) Develop global venture business and venture town in Sapporo, modeled from MIT/Boston which creates 27+% of their job market by venture business, or learn from Sweden or Finland where the same population but 1.7x times of Local GDP and their job efficiency compared to Hokkaido, my 2nd home town. Local founders should not look up Tokyo nor aim Tokyo as their target market. My MIT/Harvard/Global-top MBA founders from SouthEast Asia, India, Northern and Eastern Europe, and Africa except Japan make their tech venture business for the global market from the beginning, totally different from Japanese village mentality even among Tokyoite founders.

(People) Admit options for married couples to choose separate surname or use official middle name.

(Tax), and (Countryside Revitalization) Past Income Tax paid must be relocated to the moved local town, accelerating people movement from Tokyo to the local towns, but meeting enough tax income exported from the former residential area.

(Tax) Car tax reduction, not current tax increase, for 13+ year old car-usage.

(Tax) Accept to build 10+ casino resort to increase tax if pachinko, horse bidding, boat bidding, or bike bidding are accepted, since not persuaded why casino is bad and other are ok?

(Tax) Accelerate central and Local Government budget should/could be carried over. The reason to stop carry-over was because military budget before/during WorldWar2 was assigned over years and government failed to evaluated. But Japan has not warred for the past 75 years. We should be more flexible to solve current and future problems for the better Japan tomorrow.

(Tax), (Environment) Install Carbon Tax and Carbon Cash back, not only for companies but also for individuals, encouraging all people contribute to CO2 reduction and also enjoy benefits if they do more efforts than average.

(Tax) Accelerate Inheritance Tax. More focus on current and younger generation’s earnings, more income and job from their current job and living, not from expecting older generation who save money for children.

(Tax) National Television should be divided into 2 companies. The one which only broadcasts news and study programs for children and adults. This news-study company must keep its public broadcasting status but be operated by tax. The yearly budget must be calculated in 600 jpy (5.5 dollars. 50 jpy per month) per person, approximately 650 million dollars budget allocated (This is acceptable and reasonable number since qualitative UK BBC has 550 millions budget. But now NHK has 6.5 billion dollars budget, and 7 billion retained earnings). The other company, which broadcast anime, drama, talk show (i.e. wide-show in Japanese), music program, and other non-news-study program, must be privatized to fairly compete in the market. Broadcast license (viewing) fee by National television and related laws must be abolished immediately.


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Let’s work together for Japan Tomorrow

“You may say I’m a dreamer, but not the only one.” – John Lennon
