"I want to live a fulfilling life by valuing everything from work, home, and hobbies."

Things that makes the most of you, achievements and rewards at work, lifestyle, warm home and sweet family, wonderful friends, hobbies that spreads your thoughts and richness in your life, happiness and the joy of living ...
There are many things to ask for in life, however, many misbelieves that it seems difficult or even impossible to achieve all of them to your satisfaction.

It is also true that there are many people who value everything in work and private time and lead a fulfilling happy life.

I call them "Life Leader", using their "Self Leadership for Life" skills.

When I was studying at MIT Sloan School of Management, Harvard Business School and Harvard Kennedy School of Government in Boston in the United States, especially researching their essential leadership, I realized that many of the great leaders I met there had an outstanding life both publicly and privately.

The secret to their outstanding life lies in their "leadership."

Leadership is usually thought of as the ability to lead a group on the business or political arena. But the ability to lead people in the right direction can also be used to "make yourself great and lead for his future."
Not only are they leaders in business and society, but before that they are good at their lives.
He/She is his/her own leader who guides himself/herself in the right direction.

Business or Political Leader = Life Leader

This means that leadership skills and thinking methods, which are generally regarded as business (MBA) skills, can be applied and practiced in daily life.
Conversely, demonstrating leadership "to yourself" in your daily life will enrich your work, home and hobbies. As a result, it also leads to the development of leadership in "work" and "society."
Living as your own life leader
→ Being able to fulfill all of your work, home, and hobbies 
→ Becoming a leader in business and society

Jeffrey Immelt, Steven Reinenmund, Carly Fiorina, Micheal Dell, Clayton Christensen, ... I've met outstanding leaders at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) and Harvard. I asked them about their outlook on life, listened to and discussed how they lived not only in their work but also in their daily lives, what they valued, and what they thought when faced with difficulties. I have been studying their words, actions, and appearances. 
They all showed a lot of valuable "important things to live in their own lives".

As a result, I was convinced that "becoming a leader in my own life" was most important, and I developed followdream "Self Leadership" "Life Leadership" models, and trained guidelines and tools for "living as a leader in your own life" that I learned from many world top-of-the-top leaders. We develop programs and give lectures, seminars and consulting.

While it may seem challenging to be a leader at work, it's not difficult to be your own leader. Anyone can do it. 
You can take leadership in your own life, even if your work is busy and you don't seem to be able to afford to enrich your life. If you can't do that, you won't be able to take the initiative in your work, and you'll just be overwhelmed by your busy schedule.
We must first become our own leaders.

To live as a leader in life is to live like you, and to take good care of yourself. The accumulation leads to a fulfilling and happy life in all of work, family, and hobbies. Become a "longing person" who can lead a happy life.

This is the secret of successful and happiness life.

Hope that followdream "Self Leadership for Life" service and this weblog post will give you an opportunity to live as your own leader.

What I help your "self-leadership for life" skills at followdream.org is 
1) apply "Harvard and MIT MBA Business Leadership Skill" to "Self Leadership for Life" skills.
2) obtain self-leadership skills from "Followdream BTARR (Belief, Thoughts, Action, Relationship, Realization) model."
3) achieve results, ok for small and/or short-term win in the beginning, to be "Self Leader for your Life"
4) then use your own "Self Leadership" skills to apply back to your daily business world, society and private life with family and friends.
5) Lead people around you to lead themselves, which make the better world someday if all people in this world can lead themselves.
First posted on 2021/12/29, updated on 2022/01/01, 2/16