“Leadership is a series of activities that direct organizations, communities and societies by clarifying orienting value, pursuing opportunities to take on challenges, and confronting tough realities."

At Harvard University, which produces many business leaders and political leaders, "Leadership" is defined like this. 
What I mean by replacing "organization, community, and society" in this definition with "my own life" is what I call FollowDream "Self-Leadership for Life." Since the "qualities" required by both parties are the same, I would like to first consider what leadership is according to this definition.

There are people in the world who are demonstrating leadership in so many places that are leading organizations and societies into a wonderful future.
For example, there are people who are active in the political world, such as heads of state, politicians, and heads of international organizations. There are CEOs and executives of companies, and managers who lead small businesses and venture companies. Many leaders in NGOs, NPOs, social activities and philanthropy. Although not well known to the general public or news media, there are also people who have taken leadership in their respective paths and led their projects to success.
If you ask "Who do you think is demonstrating leadership?", names of a wide variety of people will come up. There are different types of leadership. Some leadership is charismatic, making bold decisions and pulling people, while others are moving forward with the empathy and cooperation of everyone.
However, the "qualities" necessary for demonstrating leadership are basically the same. 
When I researched the executives of Fortune 100 companies and also asked and discussed with leadership/management professors, "What are the most important qualities required of leaders?", The top five qualities were almost the same I concluded. It has the following five qualities.

1) Consistent
2) Forward Looking
3) Honest
4) Inspire
5) Competent
Following lists are other important qualities for leaders included by business administration authorities such as Howard Gardner, Peter Drucker and leadership professors at Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

- Have a vision and belief 
- Be prepared 
- Balance different things
- Can handle diversity
- Can approach flexibly according to the situation 
- Has endurance and tenacity 
- Continues to grow
- Ability to execute 
- Can take risks 
- Nurture younger generations 
- Believe in yourself and take responsibility 
- Can share joy with others 
- Can create a desirable environment by yourself 
- Overcome temptation

This does not include skills such as financial analysis, sales and marketing framework, and strategic planning, which are studied via business textbooks. It is not a skill that can be understood by frameworks such as figures and numerical values, but qualities related to beliefs, ideas, actions, relationships, etc., and it should be called "power skills as a human being".

These tell us that outstanding leaders have excellent mental and mental qualities, in other words, those with such qualities can develop superior leaders.
The same is important for becoming a “leader in your own life”. It's not a matter of knowledge or certification. Beliefs and values, ways of thinking and minds, and attitudes when thinking and acting are important.
Self leadership for Life is the power to direct one's life instead of orienting a society, organization or community. Based on the definition at the beginning, a person who can demonstrate leadership in one's own life is a "source of value" in one's life, based on strength and flexibility in terms of mind and way of thinking. A person who can be "clarified", pursue opportunities for growth and happiness, sometimes "face the harsh realities", and steer himself to "orient" life.

Understanding and acquiring these leadership qualities is the subject of this book, weblogs, and followdream consulting and coaching service.

With these qualities, you can not only become a leader in your organization or society, but also a leader in your life. You can also make your family happier.
Question to Readers: What skills you want to obtain to be your life leader, and How do you get?
Posted on 2022/01/03, updated on 2022/01/09, 2/16