Everyday we read articles, blogs, or someone's facebook posts about FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) Movements. They talk about their current savings, how much they successfully increase their stock values, how to save their costs from their job salary for their future investment. 
I always wonder where about the goals of FIRE, why people want to learn FIRE movement?
We want to be independent from money. We want to escape from salves of money. However, if we only care financial management in FIRE movement, is it really free from money? Are we controlled by money?
Fifteen to Twenty Years ago in Japan, there were lots of books about Investing to Stocks and how to open Internet Banking and Internet Stock Trade Accounts. Around Ten years ago, investment in Apartment (Landlord) Management even borrowing 10-20+ times of your yearly earnings. Since 2-3 years ago and then now, we find books about FIRE. All books and articles were written by Financial Advisors or Bankers. 
It is all like trend around Money, not about our Life. Original reason FIRE became movements was because of their "Wants" to live life, controlling Money or escaping from Money.

I seldom find articles or blogs of FIRE which talk about how to lead myself for my true life.
I rewrite my Self Leadership theory in this new followdream.org website, which I developed in 2006 after studying at MIT Sloan School of Management, Harvard Business School and Harvard Kennedy School of Government, where I met, discussed, and observed more than 300+ world famous business, government, academic, and religious leaders.
What they impressed me was not about their business success, but how they actually live their life applying their leadership skills not only to lead others, groups, companies or societies, but also themselves.

If my articles, website, concepts, opinions, service, and even my self-leading life itself help your way of life, I feel more than happy.
First posted on 2021/12/14. Updated on 2022/2/16